Your legacy of faith builds with each passing day, and we want to help you secure it effortlessly!
As we enter the season of Advent, a time of waiting and preparation for the birth of Christ, we are reminded of the deep mysteries and blessings of our faith. This sacred season invites us to reflect on the gifts we have received and how we can pass those blessings on to others.
In this spirit of preparation, Spirit Catholic Radio encourages you to consider securing your legacy by creating a will. Through our partnership with My Catholic Will, you can create your will for free, ensuring that your final wishes reflect the values and faith that are so important to you.
The birth of Christ is a reminder of the hope and love that we are called to share. By including a gift to Spirit Catholic Radio in your will, you can extend this hope and love to those in need, leaving a legacy of faith for future generations.
This Advent, take a few moments to prepare not only for Christmas but for the future. Visit to create your will in just a few simple steps.
Wishing you a blessed Advent and a joyful Christmas,