Become a Business Sponsor


Why Underwrite Programming on Spirit Catholic Radio?

  • We reach 95% of Nebraska’s population and parts of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and South Dakota
  • Our listeners are proven supporters of those who support our mission
  • We reach listeners at home, in their car, online, smart devices, and mobile phone
  • Our 24/7 programming is message-oriented. Listeners tune in to hear a message for their soul

When your business sponsors the programs on Catholic radio, it creates a point of support between the business and the Christian community. Many Christians desire to do business with others who uphold their belief system. Spirit Catholic Radio strives to promote business sponsors that desire to serve the Catholic community with honesty and integrity. We will work to bridge your announcements which will serve as a vital contact point for reaching out to the Catholic Christian community.

To learn more, contact Director of Sales & Underwriting, Patrick Henry, at 855-571-0200 or via email.

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