Pro-Life Resources


Life is precious. Always.

Sometimes we don’t have the words ready when someone asks us why we defend the unborn. Sometimes it’s just hard to stand up when it feels like the world is against you. Well you’re not alone. God is with us and we support each other fighting for the most vulnerable among us. These programs will build your understanding, confidence and desire to defend life. Always.


Catholic Answers: Topic, “Why are you pro-choice,” will answer any questions, confusions and reservations you have.

Upcoming Local Pro-Life Events

Sidewalk Advocates for Life Training
Omaha: Sunday, February 16 and March 1, 2025 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. 92nd & Bedford
Sidewalk Advocates are peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding volunteers who bring real help (resources and referral to the Pregnancy Help Center) and Honest Talk all entering the abortion facilities and encouraging all to choose life. To register, send an email to: [email protected]


Lincoln: March 1, 2025 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Training for outreach on the sidewalk to the abortion-minded persons offering life-affirming alternatives. Location is given upon registration. This one-day training cost $15. Registration with Lisa McInerney at [email protected] or 402.525.9360.

40 Days for Life – Wednesday, March 5 – Sunday, April 13
40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding prayer vigil in front of the abortion facility during Lent. Starting on Ash Wednesday and ending on Palm Sunday. Sign up online to pray an hour or take a weekly commitment during all 40 days to pray for the end of abortion.
LINCOLN: Sign up online at or email Catherine at [email protected].
OMAHA: Sign up online at
BELLEVUE: Sign up online at

Gabriel’s Corner Pregnancy Center – 19th Annual Celebration of Life Dinner | Friday, April 25
Visit their Facebook page  here.


Local Non-Profit/Organizations

Essential Pregnancy Services | Website
Receive pregnancy help at no cost with no obligation, no judgments and no expectations.
In Omaha and Bellevue – Find locations here

Mater Filius | Website
Mater Filius of Nebraska is a nonprofit, Catholic apostolate located in Omaha, NE committed to helping women facing an unexpected pregnancy who find themselves without housing or emotional support. We offer a tranquil home, assistance with healthcare appointments, transportation, spiritual care, nutritious, self-prepared meals, access to child enrichment and a path to independence.
Phone: (402) 933-3466

Nebraska Right to Life  | Website
Nebraska Right to Life is a statewide, non-partisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization established to serve groups and individuals who wish to effectively defend the most basic of all human rights – the right to life. The ultimate goal of Nebraska Right to Life is to restore legal protection to innocent human life.
404 S. 11th St.
Mailing address: PO Box 80410, Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone: (402) 438-4802, Cell: (402) 318-8291, Fax: (402) 438-7416
Email: [email protected]

Nebraskans Embracing Life  |  Website

Nebraska Pregnancy Care Alliance | Website

Assure  |  Website

South Central Right to Life  |  Website

St. Gianna Program |
St. Gianna Women’s Home is a twenty four apartment home staffed by the Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln for women of all faiths, races and ethnicities who are escaping domestic violence and abortion.
For assistance, call the main number for Catholic Social Services: 402-474-1600

Women’s Care Center  |  Website
Our mission is to help pregnant women from our communities choose life for their babies, have healthier pregnancies, become better parents and take first steps to self-sufficiency.

5632 S. 48th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68516
(531) 500-4981

3737 Dodge St
Omaha, NE 68131
(531) 325-0461

Heartbeat International | Website with Worldwide Directory
At the first sign of pregnancy, Heartbeat International’s worldwide network of more than 3,000 pro-life pregnancy help organizations is here. We provide comprehensive pregnancy help to the woman wherever she is on her journey. From seeing the flutter of the heartbeat on her first ultrasound, to teaching parenting classes or coordinating an adoption plan, and providing material aid throughout the pregnancy and beyond, we offer compassionate support so that no woman ever feels that abortion is her only option.

Collage Center  |  Website
Collage is a non-profit organization that offers complimentary, community-funded medical services. Our focus is on you, not on making money. At Collage, you’ll find a caring staff that is committed to providing you a safe, comfortable place where you can get the help you need! Because many of us have faced some of the same decisions you are facing, we can identify with your needs and offer real-world guidance with genuine compassion. All our services are confidential.

Kearney Office
3000 2nd Avenue Suite 100
Kearney, NE 68847
(308) 234-9880

Grand Island Office
822 N. Diers Ave.
Grand Island, NE 68803
(308) 675-2217

Wellspring Pregnancy + Health Center | Website
Wellspring has been the pro-life pregnancy center for the Hastings area since 1989. We offer STD testing, pregnancy tests, ultrasound, and parenting education.

223 East 14th Street, Ste. 202
Hastings, NE 68901
Phone: Office: 402-463-7785
After-Hours: (800) 712-4357
Mobile: Text us at 402-984-8416
Email: [email protected]

LIFE Runners | WebsiteWHY LIFE RUNNERS?  Thousands of teammates in 3,500+ cities across 47 nations, delivering millions of life-saving messages in schools and communities with “REMEMBER The Unborn” jerseys and jackets.  Running optional.  78% of post-abortion mothers said if they had ONE encouraging person or message, they would have chosen life.  Thousands of students (K to college) wear this message to be heroically Pro-Life, preventing abortions and changing culture.  With access to abortion in the mail and across state lines, LIFE Runners present life to students as the only good choice if they face an unexpected pregnancy. 

Mailing address:  P.O. Box 460651, Papillion, NE 68046Email:  [email protected]

Local Pro-Life Prayer Times

Gabriel’s Corner – 131 S. 16th St, Council Bluffs, Iowa
There is the rosary at 8:30 a.m. and mass at 9:00 a.m. on the third and last Saturdays of every month on a regular basis, unless the priest cannot make it for some reason, then there is just a Rosary.  It is done in the Chapel at Gabriel’s Corner and everyone is welcome to come pray with them against abortion.

Planned Parenthood – 5631 South 48th Street, Lincoln
9:30 a.m. – Group Rosary on sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood
10 a.m. – Mass across the street at the Lincoln Right to Life Center
12:45 p.m. – Rosary with Our Lady of Guadalupe seminarians when school is in session
Contact Mike Davis, president of Lincoln Right to Life: 402-480-0404. 

Omaha and Bellevue
Bellevue abortion facility, 1002 W. Mission Ave.

Sidewalk Advocates for Life
Sarah Lousie Peterson, Program Leader for Sidewalk Advocates for Life Chapters
402-819-1662, [email protected]
–Omaha | (Planned Parenthood @ 93rd & Maple, 1305 N Maple St, Omaha 68137), Mondays & Wednesdays, 8 am – 1 pm, Saturdays 10 am
–Bellevue | 1002 W. Mission Ave, Bellevue, NE 68005, Thurs/Fri/Sat, **The facility is sometimes open on Wednesdays. 8 am – 2pm. Days can vary depending on facility hours
–Lincoln | Call Lisa: 402-525-9360; Cathy: 402-202-1614 Email Lisa: [email protected]; Cathy: [email protected]
Holy Hour for Life at St. Peter’s Church | Omaha
Join the faithful on the last Friday of every month at St. Peter with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 6:30-7:30 p.m. with the intention to return to a culture of life and reparation for the sin of abortion and a culture of death. There will be a speak each month in the parish hall from 8-9 p.m. speaking on a variety of subjects. Find more information here.