Operations Director
Eric joined Spirit Catholic Radio in 2023 and serves as Operations Director. He has a strong background in Operations and Supply Chain Management and over 25 years of experience working in both small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. His interest in Spirit Catholic Radio started in 2016, and over the years has called him out of the secular corporate world. What began as a Lenten challenge to listen during the work commute, soon became routine and earned the first spot on his presets. A couple of his favorite programs are Kresta in the Afternoon and Catholic Answers. Eric and his wife, Andrea, are active members of Holy Trinity Parish in Brainard, about 50 miles west of the Omaha office. Eric has served on the Parish Council and as Trustee and currently teaches 5th and 6th grade CCD. His wife is the Treasurer for their parish PCCW. They have 5 children and live on an acreage enjoying “country life” and help keep the small, family farm operating. His favorite times of year are spring planting and fall harvest because of the time spent working together with family and other farmers in the community. His favorite saint is St. Michael the Archangel, who is also his confirmation patron. “Defend us in battle!”