Pro-life Ballot Initiatives in Nebraska

Posted 06.11.24 in Spirit News


We wanted to share a note from our partners in the vineyard, the Nebraska Catholic Conference. We invite you to contact them directly with any concerns or questions you may have.

Phone: (402) 477-7517

Dear Advocates,

“Can I sign the alternative pro-life ballot initiative proposal?”

This is a frequently asked question we are receiving from Catholics across Nebraska. Those asking recognize that this ballot proposal from Protect Women & Children needs around 125,000 signatures from registered voters across Nebraska to get on the ballot, and they want to know whether they can sign the petition or help gather signatures. 

Ultimately, they want to make sure they are doing the right thing and acting in a way that honors God and advances the pro-life cause, and that’s a beautiful desire!

To help you think through this question, we have provided a webpage with more information about the pro-life ballot proposal, in addition to a one-pager flyer you can read and easily share with family, friends, and parishioners.

To answer the question we frequently receive, the Bishops have stated that Catholics can morally support (for example, sign the petition, help gather signatures, vote “for”) this pro-life measure as a defense against the pro-abortion initiative, understanding and accepting the following:

  • The pro-life initiative does not create a right to abortion.
  • All abortions must be opposed, and direct abortion is never morally acceptable.
  • This is an incremental step toward protection for all innocent life, not a permanent solution or a final compromise.

We hope these resources and information help you in the formation of your conscience, so you can act in a way that honors God. 

In Christ,

Tom Venzor
Executive Director

P.S. Don’t forget about our resource page to defeat the pro-abortion ballot initiative and our one-pagers (“Where Does It Say That” flyer and “Explaining the Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative” flyer) to share far and wide.