The Spirit Catholic Radio Network is excited to announce Spirit 88.1 FM has begun broadcasting to the Broken Bow, Loup City, Ord, Sargent, and surrounding areas!
The call sign KEJS initials stand for “Keep Encountering Jesus Sargent” which corresponds with Spirit Catholic Radio’s mission to help all souls Encounter Jesus. The Construction Permit granted by the FCC allows the output of the transmitter to reach a wattage of 1,200 with a height of 249 ft, and an expected signal reach of 45 miles for in-vehicle coverage.
The total cost of the project, including the purchase and installation of a new transmitter, cost over $50,000. An anonymous donor family has generously put up a $25,000 matching gift that will be paid once $25,000 in pledges are received from the area. We also hope to raise an additional $8,400 to help cover the first year’s operating expenses. The SCRN operates as a not-for-profit network and donations are gratefully accepted to help defray the costs. If you can assist, please reach out to Bernie [email protected] or call 1.855.571.0200.
“Spirit Catholic Radio is not only teaching and encouraging people throughout the Diocese of Grand Island, it is a regular part of my morning routine, and great company for me while I am on the road.” – Joseph G. Hanefeldt, Bishop of Grand Island.
Make sure to tell family and friends in these areas to tune in!