FACE Act Trial Sentencing

Posted 05.03.24 in Spirit News

Spirit Catholic Radio would like to share this note below received from Edward M. DeSimone II, R.Ph., Ph.D., FAPhA, Professor at the Department of Pharmacy Sciences at Creighton University.

There is a very timely and urgent request to get the word out to all pro-life individuals to write letters to the judge responsible for sentencing 9 pro-life advocates asking for leniency.

Pro-lifers are being asked to write to the judge who could sentence nine FACE Act prisoners to 11 years in prison. Please read the entire but short article cited below.

I have contacted every pro-life organization I know including our St. Wenceslaus Pro-Life Committee on which I am a member.

The deadline to receive these letters is May 13th and they need to be mailed as soon as possible to ensure a timely arrival.

I am asking you to (1) write a letter and (2) forward this information to every Knight, pro-life organization, and pro-life individuals you know.

To make it a little easier for some people, I have drafted a short letter in WORD that anyone can copy and edit to personalize it. It is attached below.

download letter

(Recommendations from the organizers) “Letters must be received by May 13th! She should be flooded with letters! Beg her to be lenient, emphasize that 8 of the pro-lifers have been in jail already for months! Ask for ‘time served. These pro-lifers have been sitting in jail already longer than many others who have been convicted for similar ‘protest’ sit-in type activity. Emphasize that these are truly good people, motivated by love for others – indeed some are possibly living saints! They acted to help the mothers coming to the Santangelo abortion center and to defend the innocent unborn who are killed there though the 9th month of pregnancy! The judge should consider that these selfless pro-lifers acted to defend life. Human lives were at stake! This is the truth. This is the objective reality.”

 Also, do not attack the judge. Letters should be respectful and polite. Just request leniency (time served) since these individuals have been in jail since their convictions.

United States District Judge
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
333 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001

This should take < 5 minutes and cost < 1$