Central Nebraska


Fall Retreat hosted by Catholics Encounter Christ

Fall Retreat: Fellowship, Speakers, Silent Auction

EWTN and Catholic Answers Symposium

The Spirit Catholic Radio Network presents the EWTN/Catholic Answers 2-day symposium featuring some of our friends from EWTN and Catholic Answers. Hear from Jack Williams, Fr. Wade Menezes, Coleen

Husker Harvest Days

Look for the Spirit Catholic Radio Booth at Husker Harvest Days!!

A-Cross America Relay for Pro-Life!

Join the largest spanning Pro-Life event with 1,476 legs covering 5,183 miles (12 million steps)! Register to run or walk 5K legs on the Relay

88.1FM Broken Bow Signal Dedication & Blessing

You are invited to join Spirit Catholic Radio and Bishop Hanefeldt at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Broken Bow for a special Spirit 88.1 FM

Bishops Holy Hour for Our Nation

Exposition of the Holy Eucharist, recitation of the Rosary, and quiet time for prayer and Benediction.  Everyone is invited to attend to pray for the

6th Annual Pro-Life Coffee

Local and statewide pro-life groups welcome area State Senators for a morning program to learn about pro-life legislation and issues in Nebraska. The 6th Annual

State Fair Mass with Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt

Join Bishop Joseph G. Hanefeldt as he celebrates the Holy Mass at the State Fair. This year's traveling offering will go to St. Ann's Food

Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Tour

Below are the locations for the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Tour! Call your local parish or Knights of Columbus Council for details. 20-Aug Mon Msng. Anton Link

Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Tour

Below are the locations for the Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Tour! Call your local parish or Knights of Columbus Council for details. 20-Aug Mon Msng. Anton Link
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