The Man of the Shroud Display Travels to West Virginia!

Posted 06.03.24 in Spirit News


Spirit Catholic Radio’s “The Man of the Shroud” Display in Wheeling, West Virginia

The Man of the Shroud Display, created in 2019 by Spirit Catholic Radio in cooperation with the Turin Shroud Center of Colorado Springs, has been well received since its inaugural tour across the state of Nebraska into Iowa. In March of 2024, the display saw its furthest trip yet when Fr. Carlos Melocoton of St. Michael Parish in Wheeling, WV drove a total of 3,720 miles (16-18hrs one way) to pick up the display in Nebraska for his parish community. Fr. Melocoton was moved to bring the Shroud exhibit to his community when he was on sabbatical in Massachusetts where he first saw an exhibit on the Shroud. He did some research and found The Man of the Shroud display available through Spirit Catholic Radio. Father just knew he had to have this exhibit for his parishioners’ Lenten journey, so he went the distance for them!

After arriving in West Virginia, the display was set up in the Angelus Center at St. Michael Parish in Wheeling, West Virginia for viewing by the public. The display was viewed by nearly 500 people in the Wheeling area, including individuals traveling from the nearby communities of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wierton, Clarksburg, Chester, Parkersburg, and Morgantown. St. Michael’s Parish even saw brothers and sisters from other Christian denominations visit The Man of the Shroud. Other visitors of the display included high school students, grade school students, and Sunday school religious ed students.

Fr. Carlos Melocoton was very appreciative of the support he received from various Catholic media in the Wheeling area. Promotion of the event was provided by Morgantown Catholic Radio and the Catholic Spirit WV. The Catholic Spirit is the official newspaper of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston.

Fr. Melocoton recounted numerous stories of the spiritual transformation many individuals experienced at the event. A mother and son, Kimberly and Charlie, viewed the display on Sunday morning. Kimberly teaches high school science and Charlie loves science as well. After reading the 42 panel exhibit, Kimberly and Charlie approached Father and told him that it was very moving. They didn’t realize how much research existed on the Shroud (and still ongoing!), and they were blown away by the detailed information of the exhibit.




A news article by Mary Flavin for WTRF News reports the experience of Adrianne Manning, Principal at St. Michael Parish School. The article quotes her saying, “So, as I went through it, I thought the ones on iconography were really interesting. They were along this first wall here, some of the most famous icons of Jesus and how they replicate the way the shroud looks and things like that. Just the things that they found on the shroud outside the image itself like the dirt and the pollen and how they can date that to a time and place.”

Reactions to the display can also be found on St. Michael Parish’s Facebook page. A post remarks, “A quote from retired Dr. Thomas Schmitt who did some research of his own about the Shroud: ‘This is fantastic! Far more extensive than I ever dreamed. You should bring this back on an annual bases as there is so much to learn.'” A comment on social media by an exhibit viewer, Gene Rice, reads, “My wife and I visited the exhibit Friday. I encourage you to make the time to visit this emotionally powerful, highly educational exhibit. I promise you; you will leave with a profound, intense understanding of the crucifixion. Thank you, St. Michael’s Parish, for sharing with all of us!” Another exhibit viewer, Anna Maria, comments on Facebook, “This is a great exhibit! Thank you Fr. Carlos for bringing it to our Parish! We went as a family after Stations of the Cross on Friday, everyone came away with something.”


Moved by what you read here? You can bring the Man of the Shroud Display to your parish! View the display’s request page here. Read the guide and work with your parish to bring this amazing exhibit to your community!

Photos provided by St. Michael Parish in Wheeling, WV (can be found on their Facebook page)
Please note: only in unique cases will Spirit Catholic Radio approve a display to be taken out of close proximity to our main studio (Nebraska).