Support Catholic Radio


Donate online, safe and secure, or call

1-855-571-0200 (during business hours)


Donations of any amount receive a gift of appreciation! Read our Fall Newsletter for more details.

 – – Donate Any Amount – $50, $100, $200, etc. – – 
Prayer card, Magnificat Magazine certificate, a link to Deacon Harold
Burke-Sivers’ “Pursuit of Happiness” video, and a Spirit window decal

$1/Day Coffee Cup Club

Is the programming you hear worth more than what you spend on coffee?
Worth more than $1 per day?  If so, we invite you to consider this small gift with extraordinary and eternal consequences. Become a member of our Coffee Cup Club!

– –  Donate $1/Day ($360/Year)  – –
Receive all above & a coffee cup or ball cap

Learn more: coffee cup club

There are so many ways to support us!

Giving at the following annual levels ($500+) makes you a unique member of the St. Luke Society. In addition to the premiums listed, St. Luke members receive special, exclusive offers throughout the year such as complimentary tickets to events like movie premieres; speaker meet & greets; and much more.

Learn more: st. luke society

Recurring monthly donations are one of the most effective ways to support the work of Spirit Catholic Radio, providing critical support the apostolate can consistently count on. It also offers ease of knowing the deduction is taken care of automatically each month in a safe and secure way. Thank you for considering this option and may God bless you for your financial support!

learn more: the perpetual light society

The Spirit Heritage Society recognizes those individuals whose planned gifts provide long-term financial security to Spirit Catholic Radio. These gifts will also help pay operating expenses as well as help with expansion efforts. By making a charitable gift of estate assets to a non-profit organization like Spirit Catholic Radio, you are participating in planned giving.

learn more: the heritage society

donate now

Our Commitment to Our Donors
We will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Spirit Catholic Radio, both online and offline, on any platform (“platform”, includes the Spirit Catholic Radio website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.